[POL] Trump a Joe Rogan Experience-ben


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Pedig picit erdekelne is mit mond Trump. De ennyire nem.

Szerkesztve: 2024. 10. 26., szo – 12:17

...so it's very dangerous! Picking... Picking people that are outside of politics is somewhat dangerous.

- Donald J. Trump


Ez egy elég könnyen kiragadható mondat az anti-Trump tábornak. Csodálkoznék, ha nem lenne kiragadva.


Kontextus: arról beszélt, hogy a beiktatása után hogy töltötte fel a pozíciókat, és hogy másokra kellett hagyatkoznia, hogy ajánljanak megfelelő embert.

But is very dangerous to pick somebody outside of a politician, because the politicians been basically vetted for years. You pick a business guy and they've never been vetted at all and you know the head of a big company or something but they've never been vetted. You know nothing about his personal life. You know nothing when you put them in. It's a little bit dangerous because all of a sudden they get checked up and you hear things that you're saying wow this is not gonna work out too well so it's very dangerous picking picking people that are outside of politics is somewhat dangerous.

Pl. Ajit Pai (Mr Megsem Netsemlegesseg) segitett anno neki (pontosabban a partnak) elvesziteni a 2018-as midtermben a kepviselohazat. Aztan egyertelmu, hogy ot a Telekom szolgaltatok kedveert kellett odarakni.

Az altala (nyilvan tanacsra) kinevezett republikanus legfelsobb birok is a Roe & Wade ugyon keresztul fixen hoztak egy -5%-ot. Korrigalt egy picit, hogy Mrs Trump maga szolalt meg az abortusz mellett es a TV vitaban maga Trump is hazugsagnak nevezte Harris vadjat, hogy total tiltana az abortuszt.

De ez sokszor magancegeknel is hasonlo folyamat, nem csak politikaban. Lasd meg az angol office politics kifejezest.

Szerkesztve: 2024. 10. 26., szo – 12:44

Joe Rogan elmondja Trumpnak, hogy szerinte miért volt olyan népszerű az emberek körében. Mert nem bullshit politikus beszédeket tolt, ahol nem lehet megismerni az álarc mögött húzódó embert, hanem csak önmagát adta és sokszor csak improvizál. És vicces is.


Trump: ...so I always got more publicity than other people and I didn't. It wasn't like I was trying. In fact, I don't know exactly why maybe you can tell me

Joe Rogan: Oh I can definitely tell you. You said a lot of wild shit.

Trump: Maybe

Joe Rogan: You said a lot of wild shit and then the CNN in their all their brilliance by highlighting your wild shit made you much more popular and they pushed you in the polls cause people were tired of someone talking in this bullshit pre-prepared politician lingo and even if they didn't agree with you, they at least knew whoever that guy is that's him. That's really him. When you see certain people talk certain people in public eye you don't know who they are. You have no idea who they are. It's very difficult to... and see them in conversations. They have these preplanned answers. They say everything is very rehearsed. You never get to the meat of it With the one of the beautiful things about you is that you free-ball. Like you get out you do these huge events and you're just talking...


You have like comedic instincts.


Arról, hogy Trump valószínüleg sokkal népszerűbb elnök lett volna, mint lett, ha nem indítottak volna ellene egy elég komoly lejáratókampányt, meg nem hasonlítgatnák állandóan Hitlerhez. Meg hogy szeretnek kontextusból kiragadni mondatokat, sőt, még akár fabrikálnak is.


Joe Rogan: Do you just assume because people loved you on The Apprentice, they gonna love you as a president? 

Trump: Well I didn't think it would be so easy.

Joe Rogan: Well, it probably would have been if the media didn't attack you the way they did. If they didn't conflate you with Hitler. I mean, even today, like Kamala was talking about you and Hitler.They're going to take what you said about Robert E. Lee. Oh, Donald Trump wishes the South won.

Trump: Oh, he loves Robert E. Lee. That's right.He loves Robert E. Lee. 

Joe Rogan: They love to take things out of context and distort things.

Trump: But they don't even have to take them out. They make them up entirely.

Joe Rogan: They do that, too.


Szerkesztve: 2024. 10. 26., szo – 13:44

A Starship booster elkapásáról. Ez érdekes. vajon mire célzott a Space Force és Elon emlegetésével?


...I called Elon. I said, was that you? He said, that was me. And I said, who else can do that?

He said, nobody. Russia can't do it. The United States, nobody can do it.

You know, I set up Space Force. That was me. And that's the first time in 82 years that we opened another branch since the Air Force.

And that's going to be one of our most important thingsBut think of what Elon does

And he did one other thing that I never heard of it.

It's Starlink.


Egy kis Biden trollkodás.

And then I get out of the plane and I'm going down and I see a general and another general. And I see a staff sergeant, a drill sergeant and various guys, all central casting. Central casting.

They said, sir, would you like to rest?

I said, I don't want to rest. I want to figure out what the hell are we doing with ISIS? I'm hearing we can't. It's going to take years. 

No, sir. We can do it very quickly, sir.

And anyway, we go into the room. We go and I mean, Biden would have taken a nap for four days and then left without a meeting. So we go into the room and they have these guys.


A Kim Jong Un-nal való találkozásáról...

I got to know him very well. I got to know him better than anybody, anybody. 

And I said, do you ever do anything else? Why don't you go take it easy and relax? Go to the beach. You have beautiful beach, nice beachfront property. You know, kiddingly.

I said, you're always building nuclear. Just relax. You don't have to do it. Let's build some condos on your shoreline. They actually have gorgeous stuff. 

And he said, I just have to do it because I need it for my safety.


CNN és a mainstream media, mint a Demokraták propaganda szócsöve:

Joe Rogan: Yeah. No, it's a it's a creepy, corrupt business. And the media, to a large extent, acts as a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party.

Donald Trump: It's not even believable.

Joe Rogan: Yeah, it's bizarre to watch. And, you know, most young people, I think, are aware of it. I think most boomers still, unfortunately, read the newspapers and believe in CNN.

Donald Trump: But it's getting younger. Yes, it's getting for us, for a consumer. And, you know, I don't know why I consider myself a person on the Internet.

Joe Rogan: It's because the Internet is giving people information that they're not getting from anywhere else.And they like the very fine people hoax, the Russiagate hoax, all these different things they've done. They tried to pin on you. That's like it's a clear distortion of what you actually said.

Joe Rogan: The bloodbath hoax.

Donald Trump: Yeah, I was talking about the auto industry. It's a bloodbath because Japan and China are taking our auto. And I said, it's a bloodbath.They said, oh, he used the word bloodbath.

Joe Rogan: He said, if you don't win, it's going to be a bloodbath.

Donald Trump: That's right. It's a terrible thing they do.

Joe Rogan: But that's the problem with propagandists, because they take things out of context. And ultimately, what they do is they diminish their own credibility, because people don't want to listen to them anymore, because they see that they've done that. And they recognize what's going on.And they feel insulted. Their intelligence is getting insulted.


A woke-ról és a counter-culture-ról...

Joe Rogan: I think young people are rejecting a lot of this woke bullshit. Young people are tired of being yelled at and scolded. They're tired of these people that they think are mentally ill, telling them what the moral standards of society should be today.And people are upset.

Donald Trump: There's a big difference now. But even in just a couple of years, I was shaking hands with people.

Joe Rogan: They're young people. The rebels are Republicans now.

Joe Rogan: They're like, you want to be a rebel? You want to be punk rock? You want to like buck the system?You're a conservative now. That's how crazy. And then the liberals are now pro silencing criticism.They're pro censorship online. They're talking about regulating free speech and regulating the First Amendment.

Joe Rogan: It's bananas to watch.


A főni is meg lett említve az Orosz-Ukrán háború kapcsán...

Donald Trump: Well, it's a very... To me, it's an easy question because I think I can do it easily. But it's a complex question in the sense that the times change.

Every day changes. Who's winning? Who's not winning?

I mean, Russia's a war machine. Whether you like it or not, it just grinds along, grinds along. You speak to people like Viktor Orban, he'll tell you.

It's just a big, fat war machine. And that's what's happening. You look at what's happened to Ukraine.If I were there, it would have never happened. But what could you do now?
