( jakubovics | 2023. 06. 25., v – 21:36 )

Mikhail Kasyanov elég jól ismerheti az orosz viszonyokat?

Mikhail Kasyanov was Russia's prime minister under Putin from 2000-04. But since being sacked, he's become one of the leading critics of the president.

Asked by the BBC's Broadcasting House programme where he thinks Prigozhin will go, he said: "I think first he will go to Belarus, but I think he will go from Belarus to Africa and be somewhere in the jungle or something like that.

"Mr Putin cannot forgive him for this."

Prigozhin, he says, has destroyed Putin's stability - and his life will be under "a big question" as a result.

For Putin, says Kasyanov, this is "the beginning of the end... he's in very big trouble right now."


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