( MrPrise | 2018. 04. 15., v – 21:10 )

Most olvastam egy érdekes cikket: Sting operations and war on migration help Orbán to victory

Díóhéjban arról szól, hogy milyen titkos-szolgáltati módszerekkel gyűjtöttek "terhelő bizonyítékokat" segélyszervezetek ellen, amelyeket aztán a kampányban is felhasználtak ill. nagy valószínűséggel a Stop Soros törvény szükségességének a bizonyításához is fognak majd használni.

Elég komoly munka lehetett ebben:

The sham companies involved had sharply designed websites, and their employees had Linkedin accounts.

The sophisticated operation, spanning multiple countries and involving numerous fake identities and companies, matches the modus operandi of a number of corporate intelligence firms that have received negative publicity in recent months.

The first public sign of the sting came in mid-March, when an article appeared in the Jerusalem Post quoting a recording of Dénes saying his work involved launching public campaigns and mobilising EU countries to lobby against aspects of Hungarian legislation. There was no indication in the article of how the recording was obtained or made.

Almost immediately, there was a response from the Hungarian government, which seized on the Israeli article as “proof” that the Soros network was lobbying against Hungary internationally. “The Berlin lieutenant has been caught red-handed,” wrote Orbán’s spokesman, Zoltán Kovács, in a blog post. “How on earth is a so-called NGO engaged in political decision-making, and working to influence one government using the help of another government? That’s completely and fully against the law,” he later told the Observer.

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