Megjelent a 6.13-as Linux kernel!


Mivel az utolsó héten nem történt semmi váratlan vagy komoly probléma, Linus kiadta a 6.13-as Linux kernel végleges verzióját. A frissítések főként illesztőprogramokra (GPU és hálózat) koncentrálnak, valamint kisebb javításokat és dokumentációfrissítéseket tartalmaznak. A 6.14-es verzióhoz kapcsolódó beolvasztási időablak holnap nyílik meg, és hozzá már több tucat pull request várakozik.

Linus emellett kihirdette a gitárpedál-nyerteseket is, mivel az rc7 bejelentésben ezt ígérte. Öt nyertest választott ki, köztük Csókás Bencét. A nyertesek e-mailben kapnak értesítést. Linus figyelmeztetett, hogy a nyertesek ne dőljenek be esetleges átveréseknek. A gitárpedálok elküldése némi időbe telhet a közelgő elfoglaltságai miatt.

From Linus Torvalds <>
Date Sun, 19 Jan 2025 16:52:53 -0800
Subject Linux 6.13
So nothing horrible or unexpected happened last week, so I've tagged
and pushed out the final 6.13 release.

It's mostly some final driver fixes (gpu and networking dominating -
normal), with some doc updates too. And various little stuff all over.
The shortlog is appended for people who want to see the details (and,
as always, it's just the shortlog for the last week, the full 6.13 log
is obviously much too big).

With this, the merge window for 6.14 will obviously open tomorrow. I
already have two dozen pull requests pending - thank you, you know who
you are.


PS. And as per the rc7 release announcement last week, I have selected
guitar pedal winners.

Yes, "pedals" plural. I said I'd only pick one, but I lied. I picked
five, because I ended up panic-buying more kits when the pedal raffle
emails started coming in. Of course, then my random selection of
pre-built kits didn't match the winners all that well, but hey -
that's how random selections work. And this was all an excuse to build
more kits, so I'm a winner too.

Bartosz Golaszewski, Jeff Xie, Bence Csókás, Mathieu Desnoyers, John
Hubbard: you are bcc'd because I will need a physical address to send
it to.  I think I may have Bence's already. And - because that
apparently sometimes happens with these things - if somebody
approaches you on some social media to ask for anything else in order
to send you the guitar pedals, it's a scam. So don't send them any
information or money.  All I use is email, and all I need is an
address, I'll pay for shipping.

And I should have thought through the timing a bit more: I'll be busy
with the merge window and some minor travel too the upcoming two
weeks, so while I have pre-built a couple of the pedals already, it
will probably not be until next week before I will get to the post
office and send them off. Much less the ones I have yet to receive and


Na, erre kíváncsi leszek. Írja a Graphics / AMD résznél, hogy sok patch van benne, remélem javítják az a fagyós-crashelős bugot, amivel majdnem fél éve küzdök, a 6.10.x óta. Egyelőre még nincs bent a 6.13 az Arch-nak a Testing tárolójában sem, de várható, hogy 24 órán belül elérhető lesz.

The world runs on Excel spreadsheets. (Dylan Beattie)