Proxmox Backup Server 3.3


Megjelent a Backup Server 3.3-as kiadása. Újdonságok:

  • New "push" direction for sync jobs: Sync jobs let users create offsite backups by syncing datastore contents between onsite and offsite Proxmox Backup Servers. Previously, the offsite server had to "pull" backup snapshots from the onsite server. Now, with the new "push" option, the onsite server can send backups to the offsite server, even if the offsite server can't initiate the network connection.
  • Support for removable datastores: Proxmox Backup Server stores backup snapshots in so-called datastores, and multiple datastores can be configured as needed. With this version, it is now possible to create datastores on removable storage media. Such a "removable datastore" can be used across multiple servers. Using the web interface or the command line, the storage medium can be removed by unmounting the "removable datastore." The datastore can then be re-added by remounting it—either on the same Proxmox Backup Server instance or a different one.
  • Webhook target for the notification system: The flexible notification system in Proxmox solutions uses a matcher-based approach to route notifications to various target types, allowing for granular control over when, where, and how notifications are sent. The new webhook notification target enables users to trigger HTTP requests for events like sync jobs, backup verification, or garbage collection. It supports customizable request headers and body content, allowing for seamless integration with any webhook-compatible service.
  • Faster host and container backups: When backing up host filesystems or containers from Proxmox VE to Proxmox Backup Server, it is now possible to efficiently detect files that have not changed since the last backup snapshot. When possible, unchanged files are not processed, which can make file-based backups complete faster.
  • This version is based on Debian 12.8 (“Bookworm”), but uses the newer Linux kernel 6.8.12-4 as stable default and kernel 6.11 as opt-in. The backup platform comes with ZFS 2.2.6 (with compatibility patches for Kernel 6.11).

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