( turul16 | 2007. 09. 16., v – 16:10 )

$ls /usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo/
dictionary.lst hu_HU.dic hu_HU_u8.dic th_hu_HU.dat
hu_HU.aff hu_HU_u8.aff hyph_hu.dic th_hu_HU.idx

(vagy ahol neked van dict könyvtárad)

$cat /usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo/dictionary.lst
# List of All Dictionaries to be Loaded by OpenOffice
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Each Entry in the list have the following space delimited fields
# Field 0: Entry Type "DICT" - spellchecking dictionary
# "HYPH" - hyphenation dictionary
# "THES" - thesaurus files
# Field 1: Language code from Locale "en" or "de" or "pt" ...
# Field 2: Country Code from Locale "US" or "GB" or "PT"
# Field 3: Root name of file(s) "en_US" or "hyph_de" or "th_en_US"
# (do not add extensions to the name)

DICT hu HU hu_HU_u8
DICT hu HU hu_HU
HYPH hu HU hyph_hu
THES hu HU th_hu_HU

A szótárfilok myspell-hu -ból vannak vagy az ooo honlapjárol navigáltam hozzájuk.

gentoo# eselect oodict list