( szsz | 2024. 08. 24., szo – 14:45 )

A választ nem tudom, de még mindig próbálom követni a témát, ezért teszek ide a kérdést érintően egy kis magyarázatot a ChatGPT-től, a – hozzám hasonló – nem programozó egyedek jobb megértésének elősegítésére:

The codes you've provided are associated with different programming languages and environments. Here’s a breakdown of each one:

  1. GOSUB 100:

    • This is typically found in BASIC programming languages. The GOSUB statement is used to call a subroutine located at line number 100. A subroutine is a block of code that performs a specific task. After the subroutine execution, control returns to the line after the GOSUB statement.
  2. CALL 5:

    • In some programming contexts, particularly in assembly language or lower-level languages, CALL is used to call a procedure or function. The number 5 often represents a procedure that has been defined elsewhere in the code. When CALL 5 is executed, the control transfers to the procedure numbered 5.
  3. INT 21h:

    • This is an interrupt used in DOS (Disk Operating System) programmable environments, particularly in x86 assembly language. The INT instruction is used to invoke an interrupt, and 21h refers to DOS interrupt 21, which is a common interrupt used for various functions (file handling, console input/output, etc.) in DOS applications. The specific operation performed is determined by the values stored in the registers (like AH).
  4. SVC 0x80:

    • This is used in Unix-like operating systems, particularly in assembly language or system-level programming. SVC stands for Service Call, and 0x80 is the instruction number for the Linux syscall interface. This particular call is used to request a system service from the kernel, such as file operations, process management, and so on. The specific service requested is determined by the values in other registers (like EAX for the syscall number, and arguments passed via other registers).

In summary, these codes invoke subroutines or system services in their respective environments: BASIC for GOSUB, assembly/C for CALL, DOS assembly for INT 21h, and Unix system calls for SVC 0x80.