( AiRLAC | 2018. 12. 14., p – 14:59 )

Öööö itt?

ioBroker is an integration platform for the Internet of Things, focused on Building Automation, Smart Metering, Ambient Assisted Living, Process Automation, Visualization and Data Logging. It like a software f.e. fhem, OpenHAB or the thing system.


ioBroker is not just an application, it's more of a a concept, a database schema, and offers a very easy way for systems to interoperate.
ioBroker defines some common rules for a pair of databases used to exchange data and publish events between different systems.

Systems are attached to ioBrokers databases via so called adapters, technically processes running anywhere in the network and connecting all kinds of systems to ioBrokers databases.
A connection to ioBrokers databases can be implemented in nearly any programming language on nearly any platform and an adapter can run on any host that is able to reach the databases via ip networking.

A library module for fast and comfortable adapter development exists for Javascript/Node.js until now. Libraries for adapter development in other languages are planned (python, java, perl, ...).

See actual list of adapters on iobroker.net http://download.iobroker.net/list.html


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