( muszashi | 2015. 11. 28., szo – 18:44 )

Már jött is válasz, ez:


My name is Rajesh and I work with the Outlook.com Deliverability Support Team.

Your IP (178.48.31.XXX) was blocked by Outlook.com because Hotmail customers have reported email from this IP as unwanted. One possible explanation for this is the automatic forwarding of unfiltered inbound messages, including unwanted messages, to Outlook.com/MSN addresses.

Please confirm that your emails comply with Hotmail's technical standards. This information can be found at http://postmaster.live.com/Guidelines.aspx.

For more detailed information about best sending practices to Outlook.com users, please review the following white paper: http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/3/3/e3397e7c-17a6-497d-9693-78….

Rajesh Govind.

Outlook.com Deliverability Support Team.

Egész gyors volt, de a megoldáshoz nem kerültünk közelebb. :) Így aztán válaszoltam ösmeg.
Rózsár Gábor (muszashi)