Dobja a Steam a macOS Mojave és régebbi macOS verziók támogatását

As of February 15th, 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and 10.14 (Mojave) operating systems. After that date, existing Steam Client installations on these operating systems will no longer receive updates of any kind including security updates. Steam Support will be unable to offer users technical support for issues related to the old operating systems, and Steam will be unable to guarantee continued functionality of Steam on the unsupported operating system versions.

Részletek itt.


A 3 erintett user elmorzsol egy konnycseppet. A win7 kidobasahoz kepest ez semmi, kulonosen hogy win10+on amugy se mukodik egy csomo regi jatek.

I hate myself, because I'm not open-source.

több millió számítógépet kell ezután a kukába dobni. jogos volt ez?