Linus Torvalds: Linux 6.13-rc2


Linus kiadta a 6.13-as Linux kernel második prepatchét.

From Linus Torvalds <>
Date Sun, 8 Dec 2024 14:15:17 -0800
Subject Linux 6.13-rc2
The diffstat looks a bit unusual with 80%+ drivers, and a lot of it
one-liners, but that's actually just because of a couple of automated
scripts that got run after -rc1 for some cleanups. Nothing
particularly interesting, but it makes for a lot of noise in the diff.

That said, there are real fixes in there too, but nothing that looks
hugely remarkable. The shortlog below gives a flavor of it all. That's
m ostly drivers too, but there's networking and bpf and some arch
updates too.

Please do keep testing, and then we can all take it a bit easier over
the holidays,
