Érdekes szösszenet, bár hasznát venni sosem fogom, de mégis lekötött, szerintem roppant tanulságos.
Hogyan nyissunk X11 ablakot és írjuk rá, hogy "Helló világ", majd fogadjunk event-eket, mindössze 200 sornyi C kódból, bármiféle lib vagy header használata nélkül, csakis közvetlen socket írás / olvasással (POSIX headerök és libc azért kell neki, de semmi más).
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
int32_t GlobalId = 0;
int32_t GlobalIdBase = 0;
int32_t GlobalIdMask = 0;
int32_t GlobalRootWindow = 0;
int32_t GlobalRootVisualId = 0;
int32_t GlobalTextOffsetX = 10;
int32_t GlobalTextOffsetY = 20;
#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 16*1024
#define X11_REQUEST_IMAGE_TEXT_8 76
#define X11_REQUEST_OPEN_FONT 45
#define X11_REQUEST_CREATE_GC 55
#define X11_EVENT_FLAG_KEY_PRESS 0x00000001
#define X11_EVENT_FLAG_KEY_RELEASE 0x00000002
#define X11_EVENT_FLAG_EXPOSURE 0x8000
#define X11_FLAG_BACKGROUND_PIXEL 0x00000002
#define X11_FLAG_WIN_EVENT 0x00000800
#define X11_FLAG_FG 0x00000004
#define X11_FLAG_BG 0x00000008
#define X11_FLAG_FONT 0x00004000
#define X11_FLAG_GC_EXPOSURE 0x00010000
#define PAD(N) ((4 - (N % 4)) % 4)
void VerifyOrDie(int IsSuccess, const char *Message) {
if(!IsSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", Message);
void VerifyOrDieWidthErrno(int IsSuccess, const char *Message) {
if(!IsSuccess) {
void DumpResponseError(int Socket, char* ReadBuffer) {
uint8_t ReasonLength = ReadBuffer[1];
uint16_t MajorVersion = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[2]);
uint16_t MinorVersion = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[4]);
uint16_t AdditionalDataLength = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[6]); // Length in 4-byte units of "additional data"
uint8_t *Message = (uint8_t*)&ReadBuffer[8];
int BytesRead = read(Socket, ReadBuffer + 8, READ_BUFFER_SIZE-8);
printf("State: %d\n", ReadBuffer[0]);
printf("MajorVersion: %d\n", MajorVersion);
printf("MinorVersion: %d\n", MinorVersion);
printf("AdditionalDataLength: %d\n", AdditionalDataLength);
printf("Reason: %s\n", Message);
void AuthenticateX11() {
fprintf(stderr, "Current version of the app does not support authentication.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Please run 'xhost +local:' in your terminal to disable cookie based authentication\n");
fprintf(stderr, "and allow local apps to communication with Xorg without it.");
int32_t GetNextId() {
int32_t Result = (GlobalIdMask & GlobalId) | GlobalIdBase;
GlobalId += 1;
return Result;
void PrintResponseError(char *Data, int32_t Size) {
char ErrorCode = Data[1];
const char *ErrorNames[] = {
"Unknown Error",
const char* ErrorName = "Unknown error";
if(ErrorCode < sizeof(ErrorNames) / sizeof(ErrorNames[0])) {
ErrorName = ErrorNames[ErrorCode];
uint16_t Minor = *((uint16_t*)&Data[8]);
uint8_t Major = *((uint8_t*)&Data[10]);
printf("Response Error: [%d] %s", ErrorCode, ErrorName);
printf(" Minor: %d, Major: %d", Minor, Major);
void PrintAndProcessEvent(char *Data, int32_t Size) {
char EventCode = Data[0];
const char* EventNames[] = {
"-- Wrong Event Code --",
"-- Wrong Event Code --",
const char* TERMINAL_TEXT_COLOR_RED = "\033[0;32m";
const char* TERMINAL_TEXT_COLOR_CLEAR = "\033[0m";
// NOTE: Exposure event
const char *EventName = "Expose";
uint16_t SequenceNumber = *((uint16_t*)&Data[2]);
uint32_t Window = *((uint32_t*)&Data[4]);
uint16_t X = *((uint16_t*)&Data[8]);
uint16_t Y = *((uint16_t*)&Data[10]);
uint16_t Width = *((uint16_t*)&Data[12]);
uint16_t Height = *((uint16_t*)&Data[14]);
uint16_t Count = *((uint16_t*)&Data[16]);
printf("%s: ", EventName);
printf("Seq %d, ", SequenceNumber);
printf("Win %d: ", Window);
printf("X %d: ", X);
printf("Y %d: ", Y);
printf("Width %d: ", Width);
printf("Height %d: ", Height);
printf("Count %d: ", Count);
/* printf("%s: Seq %d\n", EventName, SequenceNumber); */
} else if(EventCode == REPLY_EVENT_CODE_KEY_PRESS) {
const char *EventName = "KeyPress";
char KeyCode = Data[1];
uint16_t SequenceNumber = *((uint16_t*)&Data[2]);
uint32_t TimeStamp = *((uint32_t*)&Data[4]);
uint32_t RootWindow = *((uint32_t*)&Data[8]);
uint32_t EventWindow = *((uint32_t*)&Data[12]);
uint32_t ChildWindow = *((uint32_t*)&Data[16]); // NOTE: Always 0
int16_t RootX = *((int16_t*)&Data[20]);
int16_t RootY = *((int16_t*)&Data[22]);
int16_t EventX = *((int16_t*)&Data[24]);
int16_t EventY = *((int16_t*)&Data[26]);
int16_t SetOfKeyButMask = *((int16_t*)&Data[28]);
int8_t IsSameScreen = *((int8_t*)&Data[30]);
printf("%s: ", EventName);
// NOTE: Temporary hack that will not work everywhere
int StepSize = 10;
if(KeyCode == 25) { GlobalTextOffsetY += StepSize; }
if(KeyCode == 39) { GlobalTextOffsetY -= StepSize; }
if(KeyCode == 38) { GlobalTextOffsetX -= StepSize; }
if(KeyCode == 40) { GlobalTextOffsetX += StepSize; }
printf("Code %u, ", (uint8_t)KeyCode);
printf("Seq %d, ", SequenceNumber);
printf("Time %d, ", TimeStamp);
printf("Root %d, ", RootWindow);
printf("EventW %d, ", EventWindow);
printf("Child %d, ", ChildWindow);
printf("RX %d, ", RootX);
printf("RY %d, ", RootY);
printf("EX %d, ", EventX);
printf("EY %d, ", EventY);
} else {
const char* EventName = " - Unknown Event Code -";
if(EventCode < sizeof(EventNames) / sizeof(EventNames[0])) {
EventName = EventNames[EventCode];
// printf("-------------Event: %s\n", EventName);
// for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++) {
// printf("%c", Data[i]);
// }
// printf("\n");
void GetAndProcessReply(int Socket) {
char Buffer[1024] = {};
int32_t BytesRead = read(Socket, Buffer, 1024);
uint8_t Code = Buffer[0];
if(Code == 0) {
PrintResponseError(Buffer, BytesRead);
} else if (Code == 1) {
printf("---------------- Unexpected reply\n");
} else {
// NOTE: Event?
PrintAndProcessEvent(Buffer, BytesRead);
int X_InitiateConnection(int Socket) {
// TODO: Remove global variables and put them into 'connection' struct.
int SetupStatus = 1;
char SendBuffer[16*1024] = {};
char ReadBuffer[16*1024] = {};
uint8_t InitializationRequest[12] = {};
InitializationRequest[0] = 'l';
InitializationRequest[1] = 0;
InitializationRequest[2] = 11;
int BytesWritten = write(Socket, (char*)&InitializationRequest, sizeof(InitializationRequest));
VerifyOrDie(BytesWritten == sizeof(InitializationRequest), "Wrong amount of bytes written during initialization");
int BytesRead = read(Socket, ReadBuffer, 8);
if(ReadBuffer[0] == RESPONSE_STATE_FAILED) {
DumpResponseError(Socket, ReadBuffer);
else if(ReadBuffer[0] == RESPONSE_STATE_AUTHENTICATE) {
else if(ReadBuffer[0] == RESPONSE_STATE_SUCCESS) {
printf("INIT Response SUCCESS. BytesRead: %d\n", BytesRead);
BytesRead = read(Socket, ReadBuffer + 8, READ_BUFFER_SIZE-8);
printf("---------------------------%d\n", BytesRead);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
uint8_t _Unused = ReadBuffer[1];
uint16_t MajorVersion = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[2]);
uint16_t MinorVersion = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[4]);
uint16_t AdditionalDataLength = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[6]); // Length in 4-byte units of "additional data"
uint32_t ResourceIdBase = *((uint32_t*)&ReadBuffer[12]);
uint32_t ResourceIdMask = *((uint32_t*)&ReadBuffer[16]);
uint16_t LengthOfVendor = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[24]);
uint8_t NumberOfFormants = *((uint16_t*)&ReadBuffer[29]);
uint8_t *Vendor = (uint8_t *)&ReadBuffer[40];
int32_t VendorPad = PAD(LengthOfVendor);
int32_t FormatByteLength = 8 * NumberOfFormants;
int32_t ScreensStartOffset = 40 + LengthOfVendor + VendorPad + FormatByteLength;
uint32_t RootWindow = *((uint32_t*)&ReadBuffer[ScreensStartOffset]);
uint32_t RootVisualId = *((uint32_t*)&ReadBuffer[ScreensStartOffset + 32]);
GlobalIdBase = ResourceIdBase;
GlobalIdMask = ResourceIdMask;
GlobalRootWindow = RootWindow;
GlobalRootVisualId = RootVisualId;
SetupStatus = 0;
return SetupStatus;
int X_CreatWindow(int Socket, int X, int Y, int Width, int Height) {
// TODO: Put this into 'connection' struct
char SendBuffer[16*1024] = {};
char ReadBuffer[16*1024] = {};
int32_t WindowId = GetNextId();
int32_t Depth = 0;
uint32_t BorderWidth = 1;
int32_t CreateWindowFlagCount = 2;
int RequestLength = 8+CreateWindowFlagCount;
SendBuffer[1] = Depth;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[2]) = RequestLength;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[4]) = WindowId;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[8]) = GlobalRootWindow;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[12]) = X;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[14]) = Y;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[16]) = Width;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[18]) = Height;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[20]) = BorderWidth;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[22]) = WINDOWCLASS_INPUTOUTPUT;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[24]) = GlobalRootVisualId;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[28]) = X11_FLAG_WIN_EVENT | X11_FLAG_BACKGROUND_PIXEL;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[32]) = 0xff000000;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[36]) = X11_EVENT_FLAG_EXPOSURE | X11_EVENT_FLAG_KEY_PRESS;
int BytesWritten = write(Socket, (char *)&SendBuffer, RequestLength*4);
return WindowId;
int X_MapWindow(int Socket, int WindowId) {
// TODO: Put this into 'connection' struct
char SendBuffer[16*1024] = {};
char ReadBuffer[16*1024] = {};
SendBuffer[0] = X11_REQUEST_MAP_WINDOW;
SendBuffer[1] = 0;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[2]) = 2;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[4]) = WindowId;
int BytesWritten = write(Socket, (char *)&SendBuffer, 2*4);
return 0;
void X_OpenFont(int32_t Socket, char *FontName, int32_t FontId) {
char SendBuffer[16*1024] = {};
char ReadBuffer[16*1024] = {};
int BytesWritten = 0;
int BytesRead = 0;
int32_t FontNameLength = strlen((char *)FontName);
int32_t Pad = PAD(FontNameLength);
int RequestLength = (3 + (FontNameLength + Pad)/4);
SendBuffer[0] = X11_REQUEST_OPEN_FONT;
SendBuffer[1] = 0;
*((uint16_t *)&SendBuffer[2]) = RequestLength;
*((uint32_t *)&SendBuffer[4]) = FontId;
*((uint16_t *)&SendBuffer[8]) = FontNameLength;
strncpy(SendBuffer + 12, (char *)FontName, FontNameLength);
int32_t WriteSize = 12 + FontNameLength + Pad;
BytesWritten = write(Socket, (char *)&SendBuffer, WriteSize);
void X_CreateGC(int32_t Socket, int32_t GcId, int32_t FontId) {
char SendBuffer[16*1024] = {};
int32_t CreateGcFlagCount = 3;
int RequestLength = 4 + CreateGcFlagCount;
SendBuffer[0] = X11_REQUEST_CREATE_GC;
SendBuffer[1] = 0;
*((int16_t *)&SendBuffer[2]) = RequestLength;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[4]) = GcId;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[8]) = GlobalRootWindow;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[12]) = X11_FLAG_FG | X11_FLAG_BG | X11_FLAG_FONT;
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[16]) = 0xFF00FF00; // Foreground
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[20]) = 0xFF000000; // Background
*((int32_t *)&SendBuffer[24]) = FontId; // Font
write(Socket, (char *)&SendBuffer, RequestLength*4);
void WriteText(int Socket, int WindowId, int GCid, int16_t X, int16_t Y, const char *Text, int32_t TextLength) {
char Buffer[16*1024] = {};
uint32_t ContentLength = 4 + (TextLength + PAD(TextLength))/4;
Buffer[0] = (uint8_t)X11_REQUEST_IMAGE_TEXT_8;
Buffer[1] = TextLength;
*((int16_t *)&Buffer[2]) = ContentLength;
*((int32_t *)&Buffer[4]) = WindowId;
*((int32_t *)&Buffer[8]) = GCid;
*((int16_t *)&Buffer[12]) = X;
*((int16_t *)&Buffer[14]) = Y;
strncpy(&Buffer[16], (char *)Text, TextLength);
int BytesWritten = write(Socket, (char *)&Buffer, ContentLength*4);
int main(){
int Socket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
VerifyOrDie(Socket > 0, "Couldn't open a socket(...)");
struct sockaddr_un Address;
memset(&Address, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
Address.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strncpy(Address.sun_path, "/tmp/.X11-unix/X0", sizeof(Address.sun_path)-1);
int Status = connect(Socket, (struct sockaddr *)&Address, sizeof(Address));
VerifyOrDieWidthErrno(Status == 0, "Couldn't connect to a unix socket with connect(...)");
int SetupStatus = X_InitiateConnection(Socket);
if(SetupStatus == 0) {
int32_t X = 100;
int32_t Y = 100;
uint32_t Width = 600;
uint32_t Height = 300;
int WindowId = X_CreatWindow(Socket, X, Y, Width, Height);
X_MapWindow(Socket, WindowId);
int32_t FontId = GetNextId();
X_OpenFont(Socket, (int8_t *)"fixed", FontId);
int32_t GcId = GetNextId();
X_CreateGC(Socket, GcId, FontId);
struct pollfd PollDescriptors[1] = {};
PollDescriptors[0].fd = Socket;
PollDescriptors[0].events = POLLIN;
int32_t DescriptorCount = 1;
int32_t IsProgramRunning = 1;
int32_t EventCount = poll(PollDescriptors, DescriptorCount, -1);
if(PollDescriptors[0].revents & POLLERR) {
printf("------- Error\n");
if(PollDescriptors[0].revents & POLLHUP) {
printf("---- Connection close\n");
IsProgramRunning = 0;
char* t1 = "Hello, World!";
char* t2 = "This is a test text directly written to X";
char* t3 = "Whooha. Is this even legal? Let's keep a secret!";
WriteText(Socket, WindowId, GcId, GlobalTextOffsetX, GlobalTextOffsetY, t1, strlen(t1));
WriteText(Socket, WindowId, GcId, GlobalTextOffsetX, GlobalTextOffsetY + 15, t2, strlen(t2));
WriteText(Socket, WindowId, GcId, GlobalTextOffsetX, GlobalTextOffsetY + 30, t3, strlen(t3));
gcc main.c -o main
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