Elég kezdő vagyok még Asterisk meg linux témában, de azért találtam valamit: "Fax receive not successful - result (51)"
Kimásoltam majdnem az egész hibás fax fogadási folyamatot. A "Dropping incompatible voice frame" üzenetet odaírja azokhoz a faxokhoz is, amik jól megérkeznek.
[Apr 1 13:33:51] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [s@ext-did:8] NVFaxDetect("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "5|t") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:51] DEBUG[7302] app_nv_faxdetect-1.0.6_1.4.c: Preparing detect of fax (waitdur=5ms, sildur=1000ms, mindur=100ms, maxdur=-1ms)
[Apr 1 13:33:55] DEBUG[7302] app_nv_faxdetect-1.0.6_1.4.c: Fax detected on SIP/2003-b7a24838
[Apr 1 13:33:55] NOTICE[7302] app_nv_faxdetect-1.0.6_1.4.c: Redirecting SIP/2003-b7a24838 to fax extension
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [fax@ext-did:1] Goto("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "ext-fax|in_fax|1") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Goto (ext-fax,in_fax,1)
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [in_fax@ext-fax:1] StopPlayTones("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [in_fax@ext-fax:2] GotoIf("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "1?3:analog_fax|1") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Goto (ext-fax,in_fax,3)
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [in_fax@ext-fax:3] Macro("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "faxreceive") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-faxreceive:1] Set("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "FAXFILE=/var/spool/asterisk/fax/1238585631.48.tif") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:55] DEBUG[7302] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-faxreceive:2] Set("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "EMAILADDR=faxusers@XXX.hu") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:55] DEBUG[7302] app_macro.c: Executed application: Set
[Apr 1 13:33:55] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [s@macro-faxreceive:3] RxFAX("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "/var/spool/asterisk/fax/1238585631.48.tif") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:33:55] NOTICE[7302] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice frame on SIP/2003-b7a24838 of format slin since our native format has changed to ulaw
[Apr 1 13:34:49] DEBUG[7302] app_rxfax.c: Got hangup
[Apr 1 13:34:49] DEBUG[7302] app_rxfax.c: ==============================================================================
[Apr 1 13:34:49] DEBUG[7302] app_rxfax.c: Fax receive not successful - result (51) The call dropped prematurely.
[Apr 1 13:34:49] DEBUG[7302] app_rxfax.c: ==============================================================================
[Apr 1 13:34:49] DEBUG[7302] app_macro.c: Executed application: rxfax
[Apr 1 13:34:49] DEBUG[7302] app_macro.c: Extension s, macroexten in_fax, priority 3 returned normally even though call was hung up
[Apr 1 13:34:49] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [h@ext-fax:1] System("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "/var/lib/asterisk/bin/fax-process.pl --to faxusers@XXX . hu --from fax@XXX . hu --dest "s" --subject "Fax from 2000 2000" --attachment fax_2000.pdf --type application/pdf --file /var/spool/asterisk/fax/1238585631.48.tif") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:34:50] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: -- Executing [h@ext-fax:2] Hangup("SIP/2003-b7a24838", "") in new stack
[Apr 1 13:34:50] VERBOSE[7302] logger.c: == Spawn extension (ext-fax, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2003-b7a24838'
A 2003 és a 2000 a gateway egyik fxo portja.
Az Asterisk egy Planet VIP-480FO SIP Gateway-on keresztül megy ki az ISDN NT-felé.
Közös pontot nem találtam, a log alapján ugyanaz megy végbe minden hibás fax fogadásnál. Az ilyen faxkészülékek közül csak egyet ismerek, mert szóltak, hogy nem megy át a fax.
Milyen infoval tudok még segíteni, e kérdésben?