( Hevi | 2024. 09. 17., k – 23:11 )

Szerkesztve: 2024. 09. 17., k – 23:13

A Facebook már a nem konform művészeket is üldözi, cenzúrázza, ellehetetleníti.

After 5 million views on our private page, Facebook took down our "The Dope Show" video because of "Bullying & Harassment."

Apparently, it's okay for politicians to cause the death and suffering of millions, but a silly little video MUST be suppressed at all costs!

We're also preparing for the possibility that our Instagram and Facebook pages will be forcibly shut down soon. If that happens, take it as a sign that your thoughts are being controlled by stronger forces, and that the truth is being written by those more powerful than you.

When the video was removed, our marketing team panicked and suggested pausing any further uploads for the next month.

(This is the 'Good Boy' strategy, showing Meta that you’ll behave in exchange for keeping your social media accounts up.)

But that's not how we roll.

Our next video is f***ed up, and it's dropping in a few hours!  We'll happily keep creating our art without censorship on X🤘


Amit a Facebook cenzúrázott:


Az új videó:



Azt döntsétek el ti, hogy a Facebook cenzorai helyesen jártak-e el.

Ha nem, akkor lehet, hogy érdemes a Facebook, Instagram helyett elkezdeni az X-et látogatni és ott támogatni a kedvenc művészeiteket.

Én már megtettem. És nem bántam meg.