( pirate | 2023. 07. 11., k – 16:29 )

hanem tényleg érdekelne a téma rászánhatnál 10-15 másodpercet, mondjuk erre:


Nos, kattintottam a linkre es ezt talaltam, idezek belole:

"There are more guns in the country than people, and nearly 40,000 Americans died because of gun violence in 2019. A majority of those deaths were suicides. From 2007 to 2011, only about 1 percent of people who were crime victims claimed to have used a gun to protect themselves"

"A study cited by the C.D.C. indicates a “range of 60,000 to 2.5 million defensive gun uses each year.” A large majority of firearms researchers, however, “think that’s a wild overestimate for two reasons,” Dr. Hemenway said. First, survey respondents are often shown to report the timing and frequencies of events inaccurately, a phenomenon known as the telescoping effect.

Additionally, people involved in gun violence often claim self-defense, even if the facts of the case don’t support that claim — a self-presentation bias that can make data unreliable. And when trying to measure rare events, any margin of survey error can create huge variables in the results."

Tehat a NY Times szerint, azok a szamok nagyon tul vannak becsulve es 1% volt az onvedelmi esetben torteno fegyverhasznalat 2007-2011 kozott. Akkor vajon 99%-ban mire hasznaltak az emberek az onvedelmi fegyvereiket? Ugy latom emlitik:

"Homicides are 6.8 times more common in states with the most guns versus those with the least, and access to a gun triples the likelihood of death by suicide."

Alternativ megoldast is javasolnak Londonbol, azt nem irom ide, a cikk legvegen van, ha akarod elolvasod.