( st3v3 | 2024. 12. 02., h – 09:57 )

Szerkesztve: 2024. 12. 02., h – 10:03

Bidé papa ígéretei ellenére elnöki kegyelemben részesítette fiacskáját 2014ig visszamenően; biztos ami biztos Hunter ukrajnai üzelmeit is jótékonyan lefedve.

Pont jókor:

The move comes weeks before Hunter Biden was set to receive his punishment after his trial conviction in the gun case and guilty plea on tax charges

Ez aztán a példás igazságszolgáltatás.

The president’s sweeping pardon covers not just the gun and tax offenses against the younger Biden, but also any other “offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.”

Viccesek ezek a mondatok;

In a statement released Sunday evening, Biden said, “I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice.”

Ezzel az erővel egy füst alatt Trumpnak is kegyelmet adhatott volna;
