( dorsy | 2024. 11. 21., cs – 08:50 )

hat, gyoker baratom, nem tudom hany rhel-t uzemeltettel mar, nalam megfordult par. elarulok egy naaaaagy titkot: sokminden volt azokon a szervereken, pl. alaprendszer, 100G RAM, egyedi DB-k... de waylandet nyomokban sem tartalmazott, sot, senkinek nem is hianyzott roluk! ;)

Akkor meg végképp nem világos, mit nem értesz azon, hogy nem a Red Hat szarja a spanyolviaszt. Amit még váltig állítottál pár kommenttel ezelőtt. Persze, nem az első eset lenne, hogy meghazudtolod önmagad a kényszerképzelt igazad éltetésének érdekében. 🤡 > forditva ulsz a lovon, haver! neked problemad a redhat kontribucioja az opensourceba! :D a te konteod! :) onellentmondasban vagy? :) a debian/canonical/suse/intel/amd/whaterver cegek kontribucioja miert is nem faj? ;)

egyre kevesebbet ad vissza a közösségnek > dehat pont az volt eddig a problemad, hogy ok iranyitjak az openszorszt, el kene dontened, mi a bajod! :)

10 év + Pöttering felmondása után. > hazudsz! :) idezek a csavotol, welcome to the open source, Luke! :)

Myth: systemd is a Red-Hat-only project, is private property of some smart-ass developers, who use it to push their views to the world.

Not true. Currently, there are 16 hackers with commit powers to the systemd git tree. Of these 16 only six are employed by Red Hat. The 10 others are folks from ArchLinux, from Debian, from Intel, even from Canonical, Mandriva, Pantheon and a number of community folks with full commit rights. And they frequently commit big stuff, major changes. Then, there are 374 individuals with patches in our tree, and they too came from a number of different companies and backgrounds, and many of those have way more than one patch in the tree. The discussions about where we want to take systemd are done in the open, on our IRC channel (#systemd on freenode, you are always weclome), on our mailing list, and on public hackfests (such as our next one in Brno, you are invited). We regularly attend various conferences, to collect feedback, to explain what we are doing and why, like few others do.
But in general, yes, some of the more influental contributors of systemd work for Red Hat, but they are in the minority, and systemd is a healthy, open community with different interests, different backgrounds, just unified by a few rough ideas where the trip should go, a community where code and its design counts, and certainly not company affiliation.