( st3v3 | 2024. 09. 12., cs – 14:33 )

And we are shutting down – not building – coal & nuclear plants.

Persze :D


January 12, 2023

Police start clearing German village condemned for coal mine

Riot police clear coal mine activists from abandoned German village


In July, Germany’s coalition stated it did not intend to introduce a new law to pull forward the country’s coal phase-out date from 2038 to 2030, despite its earlier stated plans to “ideally” do so. Policymakers in coal mining states as well as energy industry representatives have said the earlier target year cannot realistically be achieved if accompanying measures, such as building alternative power plant capacity, are not fast-tracked.

De tény, hogy most épp úgy tűnik a kiürített falu lakosai elméletileg *visszavásárolhatják* az erőszakkal elvett ingatlanjaikat..
