Kukorica termeszetés az ország nagy részén locsolás nélkül nem fog menni.
A kukorica nem őshonos a Kárpát-medencében. Az 1500-as években jelent meg, először takarmányként. Az 1700-as évektől kezdték el élelmiszerként is használni.
Ja füge volt mindig is. Csak eddig hobbi/kuriózum volt most meg terem még az épületek északi oldalán is.
A Sumérok korában meg Mezopotámia volt a Termékeny Félhold. Aztán nézd meg, hogy néz ki ma a Közel-kelet.
Az utolsó jégkorszak 10-12.000 éve ért véget. A Termékeny Félhold 5-6000 éve száradt fel. Ugyanúgy, ahogy az African Humid Period is akkor ért véget.
Az egész egyenlítői térségek felőli száradás oka az, hogy a jégsapkák olvadnak, ami teljesen természetes egy Interglaciális (Jégkorszakok közti) időszakban.
Csak, hogy kontextusba helyezzem, hogy hogy nézett ki Európa 10-20e évvel ezelőtt:
- Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) - around 26,500 to 19,000 years ago:
During the LGM, which was the peak of the last ice age:
- Northern Europe: Almost entirely covered by the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, which extended from Norway and Sweden across to the British Isles and as far south as northern Germany and Poland.
- British Isles: Almost completely covered, except for small areas in southern England.
- Central Europe: The ice sheet reached as far south as northern Germany, Poland, and into parts of Ukraine and European Russia.
- Alpine region: Extensive glaciation in the Alps, with ice extending into the surrounding lowlands.
- Southern Europe: Mostly ice-free, but with increased glaciation in mountain ranges like the Pyrenees and Carpathians.
Approximately 30-40% of Europe's land area was covered by ice sheets or glaciers during the LGM.
- Younger Dryas - approximately 12,900 to 11,700 years ago:
The Younger Dryas was a period of abrupt cooling that interrupted the warming trend at the end of the last ice age. During this time:
- Northern Europe: Ice sheets had retreated significantly from their LGM extent but still covered much of Scandinavia and parts of Scotland.
- British Isles: Mostly ice-free, with some glaciers remaining in highland areas of Scotland.
- Central and Eastern Europe: The ice sheets had largely retreated from these areas.
- Alpine region: Glaciers were more extensive than today but much reduced from the LGM.
- Southern Europe: Similar to modern conditions, with some increased glaciation in high mountain areas.
During the Younger Dryas, perhaps 10-15% of Europe's land area was covered by ice, significantly less than during the LGM.
Német-, és Lengyelország északabbi része jég alatt volt.
Teljesen természetes a Közel-kelet, a Szahara 6.000 évvel ezelőtti, és manapság az északabbra fekvő területek (pl. Kárpát-medence) kiszáradása, ahogy a jég húzódik vissza.
Ezzel párhuzamosan a legészakabbi területek pedig szintén felmelegednek. Ld. Szibéria lassan lakható klímával fog rendelkezni. Nem, nem a bocik pukizása miatt, hanem azért, mert a soron következő Interglaciális maximuma felé haladunk.
Ugyanaz a folyamat, ami 26.000 éve zajlik.
🤖: From the end of the Younger Dryas around 11,700 years ago to the start of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century, Europe experienced a series of climate fluctuations within a generally warming trend. The Early Holocene saw rapid warming and ice retreat, followed by the Holocene Climatic Optimum (8,200-5,000 years ago), the warmest period with temperatures higher than today. This was succeeded by a gradual cooling trend known as the Neoglacial Period. Throughout these changes, most of Europe became ice-free except for high mountain areas and parts of northern Scandinavia.
The last millennium before the Industrial Revolution saw several notable climate phases. The Medieval Warm Period (1000-700 years ago) brought relatively warm conditions, particularly in the North Atlantic region. This was followed by the Little Ice Age (circa 1300-1850 CE), a period of cooling where temperatures dropped by about 1-2°C in Europe, glaciers advanced in the Alps and Scandinavia, and crop failures became more common. By the start of the Industrial Revolution, Europe's climate and ice coverage were similar to today's, though with slightly more extensive ice in high mountain areas and northern Scandinavia. These climate fluctuations significantly influenced European agriculture, settlement patterns, and historical events throughout the period.
Ugyanaz a felmelegedés és fluktuáció van ma is, mint ami az elmúlt 26.000 évben megszokott volt.
A Főleg Ember Által Okozott Klímaváltozás mítosza csak politikai propaganda.