( nns | 2024. 08. 28., sze – 15:00 )

Van ahol jól működik a politika? :)

Van olcsó áramuk, megszokták az állófűtés miatt a kocsik elektromos hálózatra kapcsolását, nincsenek nagysebességű autópályák. Ebben az esetben te milyen autókat támogatnál?

Amúgy egy kis történelem: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-63375504

Here they saw a Fiat Panda which had been converted from petrol to electricity.


They imported a similar car into Norway and used the first modern-day EV on the country's roads to launch a campaign of civil disobedience, making a point about how it needed to embrace an alternative to polluting fossil fuel vehicles.

They racked up fines as they drove the car through toll booths, parked illegally and refused to pay vehicle taxes, arguing that this new form of sustainable transport should be free of these levies in order to make it more attractive.