( sz332 | 2024. 06. 28., p – 20:52 )

Úgy néz ki az Apple Pay is érintett lehet, legalábbis a következőt írta egy hozzászóló:

"This seems like an App Store/subscriptions issue, rather than Apple Pay, no?"

"I thought that at first. Couple of unauthorized charges totalling $15 on Wednesday. The amounts are similar to some of my subscriptions, just not at the regular day that I'm used to, and all at the same time. But this morning I got charged for my other card which I use only in stores, connected to Apple Pay. 5 charges from Apple, much larger amounts, all at the same time, totalling about $350..."

Forrás: https://9to5mac.com/2024/06/26/apple-pay-bug-hungary/