( st3v3 | 2022. 09. 19., h – 15:42 )

Making the announcement, Group Chief Executive Officer Michael O'Leary slammed the Belgium government for introducing what he called "ludicrous", "idiotic", and "absurd" new taxes, including a EUR2 euros (USD2.01) tax per departing passenger on European Union routes and a "fake eco-tax" of EUR10 (USD10.09) for every passenger taking a flight less than 500km. "At the same time, the most polluting long-haul (and connecting) flights continue to pay zero environmental taxes. If the Belgian government were serious about tackling climate change, why are they exempting connecting passengers (the biggest polluters of all) from the EUR10 eco-tax?" he charged.

A repülésben pont ezt az "extraprofit adó"-t nevezte/hivatkozta eddig is így: "ludicrous", "idiotic", and "absurd" new taxes

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