( handler | 2014. 05. 01., cs – 12:02 )

Viszonylag friss AB hatarozatbol:
"A 20. századi munkatáborok létjogosultsága is előnyt biztosított a gazdaság számára, de attól még nem elfogadható."

A demokracia soha nem elsodlegesen a hatekonysagrol szolt, hanem arrol, hogy "hiba" eseten kepes korrekciora.

Ime egy "modell", amely a leheto legszelesebb neptomegnek teremti meg az elfogadhato eletfelteteleket:

"Unemployment is high, air pollution is stifling, education is largely absent, medical care and fire response are non-existent. Citizens do not live to reach retirement age. The police state has essentially eliminated free will and allowed the city to maximize its size while reducing quality of life to a minimum — and still maintaining total control over the citizens.

Every person living in Magnasanti spends his life working and residing in one small, massively efficient block of space, until death around age 50."

Ismeros valahonnan?