( viraghj | 2010. 09. 23., cs – 15:11 )

"... és azért még el fog tartani egy darabig, mire a különböző Linux disztribekbe bekerül a CLang (vagy akár a PCC), ez azért még odébb van..."

ha erre a PCC-re gondoltál, akkor már nem annyira:)

$ yum info pcc
Available Packages
Name : pcc
Arch : i686
Version : 0.9.9
Release : 0.4.100413cvs.fc13
Size : 175 k
Repo : fedora
Summary : The Portable C Compiler
URL : http://pcc.ludd.ltu.se/
License : BSD with advertising and BSD and ISC
Description : The compiler is based on the original Portable C Compiler by Stephen C.
: Johnson, written in the late 70's. Even though much of the compiler has been
: rewritten, some of the basics still remain.
: PCC debuted in Unix Version 7 and replaced the DMR compiler (Dennis Ritchie's
: original C compiler) in both System V and the BSD 4.x releases. Some history
: about pcc is in the A History of UNIX before Berkeley: UNIX Evolution:
: 1975-1984 and in the Evolution of C.
: About 50% of the frontend code and 80% of the backend code has been rewritten.
: Most stuff is written by Anders Magnusson, with the exception of the data-flow
: analysis part and the SSA conversion code which is written by Peter A Jonsson,
: and the Mips port that were written as part of a project by undergraduate
: students at Luleå University of Technology (LTU).