( dorsy | 2024. 07. 02., k – 09:11 )

hint: https://pluginamerica.org/policy/ev-road-usage-fees/


Every state in the nation collects gas taxes to help pay for transportation infrastructure. As more EVs hit the roads, we propose a process to create a fair and sustainable way to fund highways, roads, and bridges regardless of fuel type. Road user fees can be adjusted from this baseline to make up for funding deficits and support state policy priorities. Using Plug in America’s three-step process to determine EV road user fees, states can meet their transportation funding requirements by identifying replacement revenue, addressing funding gaps by updating gas taxes to sustainable levels and indexing them to keep pace with inflation, and customizing EV road user fees to support state policy goals.


A nehezebb elektromos kocsi nem fogja kevesbe hasznalni az utat (es mellesleg az olcsobb uzemanyag/km csak megtobb autozasra osztonoz, ki gondolta volna). Azt meg fent kell tartani. Ha nem tudod egyesevel megadoztatni az elektronyt (mondjuk nem nehez kinyerni egy auto toltoelektronikajabol, kb. akarat kerdese), majd lesz suly- (teljesitmeny-, MPG-, whatever-) ado helyette. De abban biztos lehetsz, hogy valaki ki fogja fizetni :)