( NagyZ | 2019. 02. 08., p – 17:30 )

a kovetkezo poziciokra keresunk fizikusokat:

Master’s student position: Quantized heat transport through atoms and molecules
Master’s student position: Image-based materials defect classification using machine learning algorithms
PhD student position: Quantum transport
Post-doctoral researcher / PhD student positions: Fabrication and characterization of exploratory devices
PhD student position: Nonlinear photonics
Master’s thesis: Cryogenic measurements and modeling of electrical devices
Post-doctoral researcher: Quantum computing
Post-doctoral researcher: CMOS circuits
Post-doctoral researcher: Quantum optimization

es egy a biologusoknak:
Master’s thesis project in Systems Biology group: Spatiotemporal modelling of DNA replication

egy a matekosoknak:
Research Staff Member / Post-doctoral researcher: Cryptography


ez mind europai, a teljesseg igenye nelkul valogattam a ceges allashirdeteseink kozul, ennel sokkal tobb fizikust/biologust/matematikust keresunk!
nevezzuk forditott-Lendulet programnak ;-)