So we had a slight pickup in commits this last week, but as expected and hoped for, things were still pretty quiet. About twice as many commits as the holiday week, but that's still not all that many. I expect things will start becoming more normal now that people are back from the holidays and are starting to recover and wake up from their food comas. In the meantime, below is the shortlog for the last week. Nothing particularly stands out, the changes are dominated by various driver updates (gpu, rdma and networking), with a random smattering of fixes elsewhere. Linus
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Ezt hogyan értetted? Te használod ezt a verziót, vagy ebbe a verzióba lettek visszaportolva a 6.13-rc6 újdonságai? Erény a tömörség, de nem akkor, ha semmitmondó.
“The world runs on Excel spreadsheets.” (Dylan Beattie)
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