( uid_17626 | 2023. 01. 10., k – 08:11 )


> Mi volt Petőfi Sándor szerepe az 1956-os forradalomban?

Petőfi Sándor is a famous Hungarian poet, who is considered a national hero in Hungary. He is best known for his poem "The 12 Points," which he wrote in 1848 and read aloud on the streets of Pest during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. He has been remembered as key figure in the nationalistic and revolutionary movements in the country's history.

> magyarul

Petőfi Sándor Magyarország egyik nemzeti hőse, akit a "Nyolc pont" című versével ismernek a leginkább, amit 1848-ban írt és elszavalt Pest utcáin a magyar forradalom alatt. A Magyarország történelmében játszott fontos szerepet a nemzeti és forradalmi mozgalmakban.