Thunderbird for Android 8.0 BETA2


Tesztelhető az Thunderbird for Android 8.0 második bétája. Újdonságok:


  • Always show all folders in the manage folders screen
  • Import accounts from Desktop via QR codes
  • Removed folder display classes


  • Fixed a topcrash occurring with when removing accounts
  • Improve robustness of XML settings files, missing elements will be skipped
  • Welcome text is now properly aligned
  • Update support link to point to
  • Resolve a few accessibility warnings from the pre-launch report
  • Star button now has an accessible name

Development and and Documentation:

  • Added initial release build automation
  • Replaced deprecated kotlinOptions with compilerOptions
  • Cleanup of gradle and build plugin
  • Updated translations

Thunderbird for Android:

  • Temporarily removed telemetry while we improve user choice
  • The initial implementation for funding has landed and is available on Github Releases builds (and in the future also the f-droid version)

Known Issues

  • The settings import will also show apps that do not yet support the settings import and fail reading the settings
  • The drawer will not update when you change starred accounts
  • There are some issues importing more than one account which we will address for beta 3 (#8260). You'll notice this if you import from K-9 or use the new QR code import feature
  • Thunderbird Desktop is not quite ready yet with the QR code feature. It will land in Thunderbird Desktop Daily in the next few days.



Na, amilyen ütemben jönnek az új kiadások, lassan lecserélhetem majd a GMail klienset?!

trey @ gépház

Temporarily removed telemetry while we improve user choice

Jobb kerdes hogy egyaltalan minek volt eredetileg...

I hate myself, because I'm not open-source.

Szerkesztve: 2024. 10. 09., sze – 10:48

Desktopos Thunderbird EWS tamogatas (Rust beepitett, nem a fizetos addonok) hogy all? amikor multkor neztem (par honapja) meg kb semmi nem volt...

debianba is megerkezett a 128-as firefox

neked aztan fura humorod van...

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