( timi | 2024. 11. 14., cs – 10:19 )

Nem a Linux az oka annak, hogy ARM platformon nincs szabványosított BIOS UEFI megfelelő. Habár Raspberry Pi-n a VideocoreOS pont ezt a szerepkört látja el. Arra van is Linux, windows, fooBSD, AROS, RiscOS meg minden. 

Idézet az XDA cikk végéről:

"Apart from that, the Ethernet port on your Raspberry Pi won't work due to driver issues. The same holds for the GPIO pins, PWM fan controller, and the PCIe express connector. You're also likely to encounter performance hiccups on the low-powered SBC. So, if you want a fast and stable operating system for your Raspberry Pi, you should stick to Ubuntu, DietPi, or Raspberry Pi OS instead."