( jevgenyij | 2023. 02. 01., sze – 06:00 )

Vagy mégsem. Ezek segítenek felkészíteni a hupu népét a következő, Kínával folytatott háború következményeire. A nyugati világban újra ilyen számítógépeket fogunk használni, kábé erre képes a nyugati ipar. A Rapsberry Pi alapítvány hangzatos majd made in UK terveiből is csendben made in China lett. 

"All of the component inventory is in China, the whole global supply chain is set up to take components manufactured in factories in China, and send them to other factories in China, which assemble them into products and ship them to the west." 

"Board design work was carried out in Cambridge, and the foundation had hoped to manufacture the boards in England, but Eben Upton, director of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, said that the economics of the global supply chain made it all but impossible for the computer to be manufactured outside of China."