( pirate | 2022. 12. 10., szo – 12:48 )

The writer himself explained this by the fact that an official suit is like armour for a man, so he put on a dress in order to make himself vulnerable, as our society sees women.

In his speech, the writer stressed that Estonian laws contribute to pedophilia, since even 60-year-old men are allowed to enter into relationships with 14-year-old children.

In addition, he said that the traditional family is the most dangerous place for a child and a woman, since it is within the family that various kinds of violence most often occur, and its victims are not protected by law.

Idezet a linkelt cikkbol. Nem ertem, hogy mi az ami ebben annyira elvetemult gondolat (ha tenyleg ezt mondta, azert az a site nem tunik annyira komolynak, de fogadjuk el).

Konkretan melyik resze nem igaz szerinted akar a jelenlegi "tradicionalis" magyar csaladok egy (kis) reszere is?
Ha ilyesmi egy ovodaban/iskolaban tortenik az gyorsabban kiderult es a torveny fellep az elkovetovel szemben, csaladon belul joval nehezebben derul ki (pl. alkoholista/eroszakos csaladtag, stb.).

A 60/14-es felallast is normalisnak talalod? Persze a torveny szerint lehetseges.