( pirate | 2021. 11. 30., k – 10:37 )

Bizonyos helyeken a hollandok kezdik beszuntetni a kulon muanyag gyujto kontenereket, pl. Amszterdamban a muanyagot kozpontilag valogatjak ki a haztartasi hulladek kozzul.

"If you don't see plastic recycling bins on the street, it may be because your municipality extracts recyclable plastic directly from your household waste – the City of Amsterdam, for example, is moving to this model throughout 2021 and should be complete by the start of 2022."

"Please note: one neighbourhood at a time, we will be stopping the separate collection of plastic waste. You will receive a letter about this when the system changes in your neighbourhood. As long as the orange containers in your area are still there, you should keep throwing away your plastic waste separately as usual."