( persicsb | 2021. 10. 19., k – 12:53 )

Elolvastad az LKLM levelet? Így kezdődk:


Intel Software Defined Silicon (SDSi) is a post manufacturing mechanism for
activating additional silicon features. Features are enabled through a
license activation process.  The SDSi driver provides a per socket, ioctl
interface for applications to perform 3 main provisioning functions:

1. Provision an Authentication Key Certificate (AKC), a key written to
internal NVRAM that is used to authenticate a capability specific
activation payload.

2. Provision a Capability Activation Payload (CAP), a token authenticated
using the AKC and applied to the CPU configuration to activate a new

3. Read the SDSi State Certificate, containing the CPU configuration


Semmi köze FPGA-hoz, meg általad írt területekhez. Licenc alapján aktiválhatóak a CPU egyes részei, erről van szó.