( gemnon | 2021. 07. 23., p – 11:19 )

When you power on your Raspberry Pi, the first bits of code to run is stored in a ROM chip in the SoC and is built into the Pi during manufacture! This is the called the first-stage bootloader. The SoC is hardwired to run this code on startup on a small RISC Core (Reduced Instruction Set Computer). It is used to mount the FAT32 boot partition in your SDCard so that the second-stage bootloader can be accessed. So what is this ‘second-stage bootloader’ stored in the SD Card? It’s ‘bootcode.bin’. You might have seen this file if you had mounted the SD Card in Windows. Now here’s something tricky. The first-stage bootloader has not yet initialized your ARM CPU (meaning CPU is in reset) or your RAM. So, the second-stage bootloader also has to run on the GPU. The bootloader.bin file is loaded into the 128K 4 way set associative L2 cache of the GPU and then executed. This enables the RAM and loads start.elf which is also in your SD Card. This is the third-stage bootloader and is also the most important. It is the firmware for the GPU, meaning it contains the settings or in our case, has instructions to load the settings from config.txt which is also in the SD Card.  

A szivárványt a start.elf csinálja ha a config.txt-ben nincs tiltva. Végülis igazad van CPU még a fasorban sincs nemhogy az OS, de a GPU attól még irkálhatna üzeneteket. :D 
