( Ar0n | 2021. 06. 27., v – 20:41 )

Tudtommal a CE-t a gyarto rarakhatja sajat hataskoreben sok esetben, ha SZERINTE megfelel a szabalyozasnak. Csak specialis esetekben kell independent auditor pl: orvosi eszkozok, labor cuccok stb...

"Low voltage electrical equipment’ are defined as any equipment designed for use with a voltage rating between 50 and 1,000 V for alternating current and between 75 and 1,500 V for direct current."


"Directive 2014/35/EU does not require notified bodies to carry out the conformity assessment procedure."

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Ugyhogy mindenki dontse el maganak, hogy mit is jelent szamara ez a CE jeloles :)