( _Franko_ | 2020. 03. 15., v – 14:25 )

Nem, észből nem jutott. Tudod, amikor 3 esetről a nap végére 20 esetre ugrott a fertőzések száma, akkor történt ez még délelőtt, mielőtt elérték volna a tíz fertőzőttet:

The first lockdowns began around 21 February 2020, covering eleven municipalities of the province of Lodi in Lombardy, and affecting around 50,000 people.[5] The centre was the town of Codogno (pop. 16,000), with police cars blocking roads leading to the quarantined areas and barriers erected on the roads.[6] The quarantined "red zone" (zona rossa) was initially enforced by police and carabinieri,[7] and by 27 February it was reported that 400 policemen were enforcing it with 35 checkpoints. The lockdown was initially meant to last until 6 March. While residents were permitted to leave their homes and supplies such as food and medicine were allowed to enter, they were not to go to school or their workplaces, and public gatherings were prohibited.[8] Train services also bypassed the region.[9]

Annak ellenére jutottak ide, hogy több várost is lezártak.