( gemnon | 2019. 11. 20., sze – 19:40 )

COURT: [H]ave you experienced that knowledgeable people, realizing this, actually do detach the label and then use it on a new device, a refurbished device or something else?

McGLOIN: Yes, Your Honor, that happens all the time.

COURT: When that happens, what occurs? In other words, assuming they have the reinstallation feature or reinstallation disc, does that just mean the software gets installed and up and running?

McGLOIN: It will work and perform to the end customer as a genuine authorized copy, yes, sir.

COURT: Does Microsoft recognize that as a pirating of its product? 

McGLOIN: Yes, the licensing is for the device. 

COURT: For the machine?

McGLOIN: Correct.

Innen van: https://blogs.microsoft.com/uploads/prod/sites/5/2018/04/FINAL-FILED-BR…