( Csab | 2019. 09. 09., h – 10:17 )

Pedig a doksi egyértelmű. Sajnálom, hogy nem sikerült nekik hardver szinten megvalósítani.
I2C-n lehet multi slave, csak mindegyiknek más címet kell adni.

An algorithm must be implemented allowing only one of the masters to complete the transmission. All other masters
should cease transmission when they discover that they have lost the selection process. This selection process is
called arbitration. When a contending master discovers that it has lost the arbitration process, it should immediately
switch to slave mode to check whether it is being addressed by the winning master.
The fact that multiple masters
have started transmission at the same time should not be detectable to the slaves, i.e. the data being transferred on
the bus must not be corrupted.