( toMpEr | 2018. 04. 26., cs – 14:55 )

Szerintem a tiltás nem megoldás. Helyette az oktatásra és a kritikus gondolkozásra kéne fordítani a hangsúlyt.

Ugyanezzel az indokkal engedték megtartani 1939-ben a náci gyűlés New York-ban:
Supposedly 22,000 Nazi supporters attended a German American Bund rally at New York’s Madison Square Garden in February 1939, under police guard. Demonstrators protested outside. [..] NYC mayor La Guardia considered shutting down the event, he agreed to let the Bund proceed, arguing:
"Our government provides for free speech, and in this city that right will be respected. It would be a strange kind of free speech that permits free speech for those we agree with." - via / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2-E5DHQMbY

"Ha tiltva nevelsz, hazudni tanítasz "