( viraghj | 2013. 08. 26., h – 10:43 )

Back to the future :-)

A. Seigo ezt írta 2010-ben, nem tudom azóta mire sikerült jutni vele, zéró Qt ismerettel
inkább nem kommentálnám :-)


a lényeg a végén van:
"...There are some potentially very exciting things this could mean beyond simply improving what we already do, though. One of the main ones involves threading. The scene graph is capable of rendering the scene in multiple threads. QML needs some adjustments to take advantage of this, but if/when that work gets done it would allow Plasma to run each Plasmoid in its own thread. (Note: this is different from multi-process.) That would mean that any pausing in a given Plasmoid or other user interface components would cause no annoyances in the rendering or interaction with any other part of the user interface..."