( subchee | 2011. 06. 16., cs – 11:25 )

1914: First disabled employee hired
1934-37: Life Insurance and Paid Holiday/Vacations introduced
1943: First female executive
1944-47: First company to support diversity programs and the expansion of company paid benefits
1959: Speak-up Program is introduced - to give employees a place to bring concerns and appeals
1960: CEO’s Letter warning against using inside information
1961: CEO’s Speech on doing business ethically. First Business Conduct Guidelines.
1962: IBM Basic Beliefs are defined: Respect for the individual, Customer Service, and Excellence.
1986: IBM Chairman's comments on Trust
2000: IBM announces its first Chief Privacy Officer
2003: Basic Beliefs updated/renamed following a ValuesJam to the IBM Values: Client Success, Innovation that Matters, and Trust and Personal Responsibility in all Relationships.
2006: IBM announces its first Chief Trust & Compliance Officer
2007: Speak-up Program redefined into the Concerns and Appeals Program
2009: Corporate Trust & Compliance W3 Home Page introduced
2010: Trust & Compliance organization expands in to all geographies
2011: IBM introduces a redesigned Business Conduct Guidelines (BCG) and tops ethics ranking in Covalence's EthicalQuote